personal musings, prostitution, sex industry, Uncategorized

undercover angels

when you feel alone and work is overwhelming 

just remember that you're a part of someone's 

best memories. no dialogue just your presence, 

in exploring somewhere new, a reassuring smile 

and support you gave, or in lots of laughter and 

sun. it helps the days feel worth more, even if 

today felt like it didn't count, it did. you exist in 

so many ways you can't measure.

i read this somewhere on Twitter the other day and copied it because it is inspiring. In a profession as demanding and exhausting as providing fantasies, its a sweet reminder that it isnt all for nothing, or even all for just sex.

Obviously everyone is different, but I accepted many clients who’s needs were more than just physical, and those are the ones that to me are so rewarding, and they prove that my services are more than their tawdry reputation.

I believe that there is a value inherent in a willing encounter and time spent with a girl that can make someone broken feel whole again, even just for an hour.




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